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LP Farmaceutica

SNELLY Slimming Thermogenic Action 500ml

SNELLY Slimming Thermogenic Action 500ml

Regular price €54,00
Regular price Sale price €54,00
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  • Slimming action, visibly refines the silhouette
  • Stimulates the process of thermogenesis, increasing body temperature and accelerating the transformation of food into energy
  • Reduces appetite
  • Helps eliminate excess fluids
  • It restores good mood

Packaging : 500 ml highly concentrated

100% natural slimming and slimming herbal tea, formulated with high quality ingredients to guarantee effective and safe results. One of our best sellers. Enriched with black cherry, garcinia, bitter orange, green tea, green coffee and theobromine, to promote the thermogenesis process and help eliminate excess fluids.

✅Used in the best Italian beauty centers

✅Certified by the Ministry of Health

✅From organic farming

✅Phytotherapeutic principles at very high quality levels

✅Made in Italy


  • Black cherry juice : rich in antioxidants and vitamins, which contribute to the general well-being of the body.
  • Garcinia : slimming properties, as it can help reduce appetite and fat accumulation.
  • Bitter orange : thermogenic action, which promotes metabolism and fat burning.
  • Green tea : rich in antioxidants and thermogenic substances, which can contribute to the weight loss process.
  • Green coffee : helps reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and promote weight loss.
  • Theobromine : contributes to increased metabolism and the feeling of energy.


We recommend diluting 20 ml (two tablespoons) in a liter of water to be consumed throughout the day, taking care to shake the product before use (the presence of any deposits does not affect the quality of the product ).


* Certified by Ministry of Health . * Laboratory with ISO, GMP, HALAL certification.

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La fitoterapia è la scienza del benessere che studia il corretto utilizzo delle piante officinali e i principi attivi derivanti in estratto secco allo scopo di trattare o prevenire condizioni di interesse salutistico. Dai nostri laboratori, grazie alla ricerca, l'innovazione e utilizzando PRINCIPI ATTIVI FITOTERAPICI di altissimo livello nascono prodotti e composti unici capaci di aumentare del 60% l'efficacia del trattamento estetico.

Inoltre utilizziamo estratti secchi titolati (ad altissime concentrazioni per una massima efficacia) che sono dalle 8-10 volte più efficaci rispetto agli estratti acquosi utilizzati da altre aziende e rispettiamo il tempo balsamico per avere la massima percentuale di attivi nell'estrazione delle piante. I prodotti non contengono OGM, petrolati o parabeni. Sono davvero 100% naturali come potrai vedere dall'INCI delle etichette.

Sono inoltre utilizzati, testati e amati da 20 anni dai migliori istituti di bellezza italiani.

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