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LP Farmaceutica

PURE ALOE VERA 99.6% Pure and concentrated active ingredient 500ml

PURE ALOE VERA 99.6% Pure and concentrated active ingredient 500ml

Regular price €44,00
Regular price Sale price €44,00
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  • Helps resolve gastrointestinal disorders such as heartburn, pain and bloating
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Support for sporting activities
  • It provides natural support to our body with vital substances such as mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins.
  • Anti-aging and regenerating action for the skin

Packaging : 500 ml highly concentrated

Simply, the best Aloe Vera on the market. A unique, high quality product certified by IASC and the Ministry of Health. Contains 99.6% pure Aloe Vera pulp juice, extracted using a delicate cold extraction process to keep the natural biochemical benefits of the plant intact. Unlike many other products on the market, it has no added water.

✅Used in the best Italian beauty centers

✅Certified by the Ministry of Health

✅From organic farming

✅Phytotherapeutic principles at very high quality levels

✅Made in Italy


  1. Pure Aloe Vera: contains 99.46% of pure Aloe Vera juice and pulp, thus guaranteeing a high concentration of nutrients and health benefits.
  2. Cold extraction : the cold extraction technique used to extract the juice keeps the biochemical benefits of Aloe intact, offering a high quality product.
  3. High quality plantations: the plantations used are far from large urban centers and the juice is produced directly on site, thus guaranteeing greater freshness and quality of the juice.
  4. Cold preparation : The juice is stabilized and prepared cold, without adding water and not reconstructed from dried or concentrated leaves, thus guaranteeing maximum freshness and quality of the product.
  5. Multi-functional benefits: Aloe juice has multiple health benefits, such as anti-aging and regenerating action for the skin, purifying and digestion properties, strengthening the immune system, helping to reduce inflammation and support for sporting activities.

  • IASC certificate: Aloe Science Council
  • Certified by Ministry of Health.
  • Laboratory with Certification ISO , GMP , HALAL.
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Inoltre utilizziamo estratti secchi titolati (ad altissime concentrazioni per una massima efficacia) che sono dalle 8-10 volte più efficaci rispetto agli estratti acquosi utilizzati da altre aziende e rispettiamo il tempo balsamico per avere la massima percentuale di attivi nell'estrazione delle piante. I prodotti non contengono OGM, petrolati o parabeni. Sono davvero 100% naturali come potrai vedere dall'INCI delle etichette.

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